Rewang* feat topic kahwin

~tajuk kemain nk gempak~

24 years old

since last year, selalu sangat dapat questions regarding relationship
-love relationship to be exact. 
IDK why but some people see marriage as a symbol of accomplishment. 
yes, it may be true.
but it depends on people.
different people have different thought about it. 
some people may say that 24 is a good age to get married 
but some people may say that 24 is still young.
and jodoh tu kuasa Allah. 
some may kenal less than a week terus kahwin, 
others may kenal like yearssssss before they get married.

this kahwin topic sangat laaa popular kalau tengah rewang*.
oh my god, makcik-makcik ni nampak je anak muda tolong kat dapur,
mula laaa they asked the questions yang menusuk kalbu. 

"eh, besar da anak ko ni M, da ada calon belum?"
"wahhhhh cantiknya anak kau M, rajin pulak tu. bila nak mantu* ni"
"eh ye ke xde calon lagi, belajar tinggi-tinggi tak kan laa tak de calon"
"eh belajar tinggi-tinggi nanti tak ada orang nak macam mana?"
and the list goes on and on and on
*gotong-royong keje kahwin or majlis yasin or something similar
*mantu - terima menantu

yes, I know that sometimes,
makcik-makcik ni just nak start the conversation,
because they don't know other topic to talk about.
takkan laa makcik-makcik nak cakap pasal K-pop ke drama korea ke or something like that kan?
but sometimes maybe they are just too blunt.
like saying that "nanti tak ada orang nak" 
"eh dulu bukan ada boyfriend ke? tak jadi ke?"
or something like that
this is harsh.
really harsh.
it leave scars, 
well at least for me. 

but you know what, 
I may be ranting here
saying that I hate it when these makcik-makcik asked me those kind of questions
but in reality,
I don't know how to react when it happen.
because i respect those makcik-makcik, 
they are much older than me,
so i will end up doing one of my 'misi menyelamatkan diri' tips

1. smiling 
brightly as if you just won a lottery.

2. look at you mum and give her signal that 
"mum, i want to go back"

3. tunggu and when the topic is not about you anymore, 
bangun and balik

i usually stop until number 1,
but i have done the third one once
the second one never work out with my mum but
it works with my maktok and nenek.

I do have the feeling
macam xnak laa pergi rewang lagi
cause i xnak kene tanya these kind of questions,
but I love the vibe,
 the rewang vibe,
you know, the feeling when you see that
 everyone is trying their best to help with preparing the food, cooking, cleaning or anything,
anything that they can help with.
sometimes they are just neighbor
and they willingly to help since early in the morning until noon
and come back again to finish everything up.

so I made a decision where
I will go to help with rewang
if and only if when i feel like i want to.
(i wish i can do this)
but trust me,
being the anak sulung,
you are bound to go and teman your mum join rewang
even if you don't want to.


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