
Showing posts from March, 2017

Rewang* feat topic kahwin

~tajuk kemain nk gempak~ 2017 NADIA NORDIN 24 years old since last year, selalu sangat dapat questions regarding relationship -love relationship to be exact.  IDK why but some people see marriage as a symbol of accomplishment.  yes, it may be true. but it depends on people. different people have different thought about it.  some people may say that 24 is a good age to get married  but some people may say that 24 is still young. and jodoh tu kuasa Allah.  some may kenal less than a week terus kahwin,  others may kenal like yearssssss before they get married. this kahwin topic sangat laaa popular kalau tengah rewang*. oh my god, makcik-makcik ni nampak je anak muda tolong kat dapur, mula laaa they asked the questions yang menusuk kalbu.  "eh, besar da anak ko ni M, da ada calon belum?" "wahhhhh cantiknya anak kau M, rajin pulak tu. bila nak mantu* ni" "eh ye ke xde calon lagi, belajar tinggi-tinggi tak kan laa tak

Why Nadia Nordin?

My full name is Nadia Syuhaidah binti Nordin. But i have a lot of short names that I go by since I was little. All of those names Have their own reason behind it.  I can even categories people by the way they call my name.  This is because at each stage of my life,  I have different short names I find it super interesting.  (It may not be much but these are a lot for me 😀) 1) early childhood  Kak Di 'Kak Di' -The reason behind this name- The one who gonna call me by this name is  ONLY my big family from my mom's side.  They called me by this name since i was a kid. I'm not so sure why they create this name But surely gonna ask my mum how and why it's happen.  2) primary school Nadia  'Nadia' they call me Nadia just because my second name is long 😂 and Nadia is easy to say and spell.  But still some people will put an extra 'H' at the end of my name. And I hate it sooooo much  (Dulu kan ka

Hey Girl, Keep going, ok?

 The past few months was hectic for me. It drained my energy, my motivation. I keep telling myself To keep on going, Keep moving forward. i keep telling myself that everything happen for a reason. Take a deep breath and smile. I guess, what I can do right now is just  stay motivated and keep going forward. He knows what's best for me. Trust Him. ***** These what I wrote for myself last two months. Now It's may already I think I managed to be as strong as I want myself to be but Unfortunately, Last week,  I heard something that is so painful for me to know Someone said I LOOK UGLY Yes they said UGLY UGLY UGLY UGLY Yes Yes Yes I know... I know that I may not be the most beautiful girl on earth But don't laaa said I'm ugly... At first I just take it easy and smiling But Deep inside I was crying like crazy That day was the worst day of the week. But I managed not to cry Which is a big accomplishment for me (As a crybab